Friendship that never endssssssss

From life partners

Thursday, April 29, 2010

May 9th

It's 12.55am now, time to dream. Everyone starts dreaming...I want to travel around the world ! I wana drive a Ferrari ! I wana have a mansion ! I wana get a good wife or hubby ! I wana have tonnes and tonnes of $$ !

Everyone's been busy chasing his or her dreams.To strive hard for our dreams, some of us may have to sacrifice in order to get something in return. Some sacrifice time with family, some sacrifice health, some even sacrifice their bodies...some may have to go through all the challenges that none of us could short, we have to let go something in oder to get something in return which we have been yearning for.

Our mum, the most dedicated person in the world, has gone through stages where she had to choose between death or life. It was the time we were given birth. We do celebrate birthday every year, treat it as if our big big day, play and spend like nobody business...have we forgotten the pain, the tears, the toughness, that our mum had while giving birth to us ?? what would happen if anything went wrong ?

Our birthday is actually a day for us to remember our mum's biggest sacrifice to us. It's her dream to give birth to us, and that's the sacifice she had to make. Tell our mum "I LOVE U" and give them a warm hug on our birthday is the most precious present to ourselves.

Mother's day is just around the corner, probably is around 1 week time. With that, I wish all the mothers a very "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY" !

Monday, April 26, 2010


I wonder what happened to the leftovers on that night...Kekeke.Bought a lil' too much. And I think I ate too much....

This time around, Theng Theng, Sheree and WengKeong also made it besides the normal group. =) We had a special guest that night as well!! Was really surprised that Sheree's Ducky Kor Kor came last minute. Well, that's better than nothing I guess. It's been reaaaaal loooonnngg since we had a full turn-up. We shall work towards that~~~~Really missing YenSze's and Mel's appearance.

So, when's our next gathering?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

World Earth Day

Do you all know every 22nd April is consider as world earth day?
Of course, I am not expecting anybody wearing a green cloth or even green hat to support this movememnt.
Nor expecting you to naked to protest that we need to go back to basic to demonstarte how much you love this planet.
Think about it, take a look around ourself and then continue reading.

Our earth is very sick currently. Infected with a cancer that will kills her eventually and now just waiting for her time to come.
We, the most powerful living creature in this earth in fact is the one who destroying the mother nature and created this cancer. Who are we? If we are not the virus of the cancer.

We are part of the most powerful living creature sharing this earth but what can we do? Me and you is just a normal person that want to earn more money and enjoy life. Am I correct to say that?
What can we do as a powerless human in this world when Presiden Obama declined to sign the Kyoto Protocol on behalf of his country?
What can we do when Presiden Hu Jintao can't guarantee his country can reduce green house emission in the next few years?

So wwhat me and you can do when both the supernations can't committed to fight and cure this cancer? True!
Therefore don't look so far until this two super power nations, one is across the pacific ocean and the other is across south china sea.
I always believed heal it internally first then externally.
So look at Malaysia first.
*Keep the green lung of the country and stop demolish them in the name of development.
*Stop using plactic bag, I know a lot of people like plactic bag when they buy things and sometime they will ask for more cause scared the weight of the stuff they buy will "bocorkan" their plactic bag. In fact this can't be stop but at least minimise.
*This is easy, just dont simply throw rubbish anywhere and simply make fire as big as campfire style as you like.

Just a few example here as I know all of us is graduate. Is kind of insult if list down Do and Don't,right? :) So follow your heart, do something to save our mother nature and earth.
Ask don't what the earth have do for you. Ask what you can do for the earth.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Billionaire-Travis McCoy feat. Bruno Mars

Caught this song over the radio on the way home last night. I think this is so good for all of us to share. Better rmbr us when one of us turns a billionaire, aight?

[Bruno Mars]
I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad
Buy all of the things I never had
Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen

Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name in shining lights
A different city every night oh
I swear the world better prepare
For when I’m a billionaire

[Travis "Travie" McCoy]
Yeah I would have a show like Oprah
I would be the host of, everyday Christmas
Give Travie a wish list
I’d probably pull an Angelina and Brad Pitt
And adopt a bunch of babies that ain’t never had sh-t
Give away a few Mercedes like here lady have this
And last but not least grant somebody their last wish
Its been a couple months since I’ve single so
You can call me Travie Claus minus the Ho Ho
Get it, hehe, I’d probably visit where Katrina hit
And damn sure do a lot more than FEMA did
Yeah can’t forget about me stupid
Everywhere I go Imma have my own theme music

Travie Mccoy Billionaire lyrics found on
Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name in shining lights
A different city every night oh
I swear the world better prepare
For when I’m a billionaire
Oh oooh oh oooh for when I’m a Billionaire
Oh oooh oh oooh for when I’m a Billionaire

[Travis "Travie" McCoy]
I’ll be playing basketball with the President
Dunking on his delegates
Then I’ll compliment him on his political etiquette
Toss a couple milli in the air just for the heck of it
But keep the fives, twentys (?) completely separate
And yeah I’ll be in a whole new tax bracket
We in recession but let me take a crack at it
I’ll probably take whatevers left and just split it up
So everybody that I love can have a couple bucks
And not a single tummy around me would know what hungry was
Eating good sleeping soundly
I know we all have a similar dream
Go in your pocket pull out your wallet
And put it in the air and sing

[Bruno Mars]
I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad
Buy all of the things I never had
Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen
I wanna be a billionaire so frickin bad!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Makan + Minum + Bintang = 8 Hrs


All metroyees seem to be very very busy today, no body entertain me.:(
What you all busy with?
While I'm still coming to office everyday to drink milo white waiting for my laptop to start.
And then follow up something if got and wait for lunch.
After lunch, in a half sleep, half awake condition wait for 5.30pm.. :)

So in the theory of mathematic, is something like this:

Lunch + drinking session + The Star online = 8 working Hrs
Alright, I wanna continue waiting for my lunch :)

Monday, April 12, 2010


suddenly grow up so fast
you are an employee rather a innocent student
time is our big sacrifice now
the second thing will be health
as we will use much more time on entertainment,but not on exercise
so every morning after wake up
  1. drink one full glass of water
  2. must have breakfast no matter what
  3. eat at least two types of fruits in a day
  4. stretch out your hands and legs in every two hours
  5. try to avoid fast food, oily food, cold drinks(except fruit juice)
  6. remember to cut your nails (more hygienic without bacteria stuck in it)
  7. drink at least 2 liter of water from 8.30am-530pm or 9am-6pm
  8. don't dig your nose,ears,scratch your face,hair....
  9. apply hand lotion when you are free
  10. & lastly but not least, drink lesser coffee!!

everyone stay strong & say bye bye to any sickness!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Diane Lew!!

Selamat hari jadi puteri ku
Sudah jadi tua kini
Janganlah berangan-angan selalu
Memperkayakanlah hidup mu tiap-tiap hari

On behalf of the group..=)

Happy 23rd!

Credits to ChungSeng for his pantun

Pantun berlantun-lantun

Yo! Selamat pagi kawan-kawan aku :)

Hari ini terdapat satu pasangan yang aku hormati mengambil cuti untuk mengulang kaji bagi CPA mereka. Semoga mereka belajar dengan gembira.

Jadi, hari ini adalah suatu hari yang agak membosankan, kerana kami kekurangan "kaki" yang amat menyeronokkan untuk menjawab mel elektronik ini.

Pada malam ini, ada sesiapa yang senang untuk minum minum ? Sila memberi jawapan anda segeranya apabila anda mendapat mel-elektronik ni.

Ribuan terima kasih



terima kasih kepada Si Tham ini yang mengambil inisiatif untuk memulakan topik hari ini..
Saya suka sangat berbahasa Melayu....mari mari..siapa mau berpantun dengan saya? HEHEHEHHE

Soo Chen:

berpantun??wahai kawan kawan sekalian, serupanya Si Diane Lew sudah hilang waras....

Kamu semua nak berbalas pantun dengan beta?

Encik Tham sedang menikmati air kelapa,
Ditemani Encik Lam dari Kedah,
Indah khabar dari rupa,
Kehandalan Diane kurang terdedah,

*ini pantun saja, nama yang disebut dalam pantun tiada kaitan dengan pantun tersebut*

Tham :

Diane seorang kaki judi
Tapi beliau orang berbudi
Sudah bertaubat pada kini
Buat lawak tiap-tiap hari


Marilah kawan kita pergi bersuka,
Datang pula seekor ular,
Bergaduh dengan ular suatu perbuatan gila,
Kalau berpantun siapa yang setanding saya.

Nen Ching:

Saya suka berjudi
Saya juga suka bermandi
Jika kamu di sini
Kita boleh pergi genting berkali-kali


Jika anda masih berjudi
Seluar hilang dedahnya kaki
Nangis sampai nampaknya gigi
Bertaubatlah kawan-kawan ni

---Thoe menjadi ghairah apabila pantunnya disambut orang ramai---

Saya kini dicabar orang,
Di mana pergi menteri saya,
Menteri Soo Chen datang seorang,
Pencabar kini kurang bergaya,


Kawan ku banyak berilmu
Tiap-tiap hari baca buku
Kadang-kadang main kat pudu
Aku banyak sukai pada mu

Soo Chen:

Si Diane yang pandai berborak and berjudi,
Sentiasa merancang pergi genting berdosa,
Kini disindir dengan pantun kami,
Patut kita menebus dosa selama ini.


Kini beta tak takut kutu,
Sebab dilindungi menteri-menteri sekian lama,
Genting ialah tempat berhantu,
Bila ni nak main 'in between' di Kuchai Lama.


Thoe tidak takut kutu
Soo Chen tiada kuku
Main "in between" jangan tunggu
Kena tiang mampus dulu


OoooOo...rupa-rupanya Tuan Hamba Yoon sudah membawa sekumpulan menteri
untuk mencabar Tuan Puteri...

Tidak apa kerana Tuan Puteri sudah bersiap-sedia..HEHEH..

Kawan-kawan mari berhigh-tea,
Tapi ingat mesti gosok gigi,
Mulut harum, lebih senang hati,
Saya seorang yang baik hati,
Malah penuh dengan ilmu yang tinggi,
Sudah pasti akan menang pertempuran ini

---------selepas panas badan, bermulalah pertempuran sengit--------

Soo Chen:

Tidak berani sejiwa yg mencabar
Kini empayar si Yoon kuat perintah
Patik sedia khidmat bila dicabar
Hanyu perlu Tuanku menyampai titah

--------akan tetapi, Raja Yoon sekejap sahaja dikalahkan dalam pertempuran-------
Nen Ching:

Murid Yoon,pergi baca buku,
Jangan balas email selalu
Janti dimarah oleh aku
Kamu akan nangis hingga rabu


Beta perlu membaca buku,
Kalau tidak telinga dipusing ,
Lam dan Tham tolonglah aku,
Kalahkan Si Diane sampai terasing,



Konco Yoon berhati tabah
Bersatu-padu masa dicabar
Si Diane mestilah kalah
Tuanku kami sedia mencabar!

Soo Chen:

Si Diane pandai jenaka belaka
Tidak malu menganggap diri bagai puteri
"Syok sendiri" tidak dapat dijangka
Harap Si Diane jangan beringin selagi lagi

-------si panjang datang buat kacau -------

Cakap apa-apa. Banyak cakap saja... :P

Raja Thoe pulang mencabar:
Erh, itu pun Si Panjang dari seberang laut..

Satu Dua Soo Chen makan jagung,
Tiga Empat Chung Seng minum cincau ,
Lima Enam kita agung,
Tujuh Lapan Si Panjang kacau,

Si Tinggi dari Singapura,
Suka cakap benda lucah,
Memang pandai berpura-pura
Pergerakan masih kurang lincah,

hehehehehe! Maaf r si tinggi, sekarang telah tukar sasaran


Chin Yi pendatang haram dari Singapura,
Mengkhianati kawan kawannya di Malaysia,
Selalu jalan macam kura-kura,
Tak main dengan kita pasti hidup sia-sia

Chin Yi:
Apa la... semua semua babi hutan pergi makan rambutan...


Sasaran kini berubah-ubah,
Macam Chin Yi gaduh dengan bini,
Diane pula macam rubah,
Sasaran tukar sana sini,


Masa gembira lalu dalam sekelip mata,
Menteri sekalian pasti sudah balik rumah,
Tinggal saya seorang kala,
Susah hati sampai tak terhingga...


Beta sudah lama bersemayam di istana,
Jangan susah hati tiap-tiap kali-kali,
Minggu depan judi di sana,
Tolong bawa syiling sekali,

Soo Chen:

Menteri ini masih di sini
Boss mau saya kerja sampai mati
Tolong lah Tuanku mari ke sini
Teman patik sama sekali


Wahai sahabat Soo C,
Jangan kerja sampai susahkan diri,
Kalau mati tak ada orang akan hargai,
Akan sahaja susahkan Nicole punya hati.

Adakah kita akan berpuisi sampai larut hari?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Dark sky

Sky is getting darker, trees are swaying, rain is coming soon…

Colleagues are answering phone calls, browsing facebook, issuing receipts...

Photocopy machine is working, air-conditioner is working, light is shining…

Sitting in front of a PC, writing an entry to be posted, reading all the pantuns, today is a great day =)

Another week gone in a blink of eyes, friends were gambling on last Sat, and here comes our Sat tomorrow…

It‘s been 5 years since 2005, there were ups and downs, happiness and sadness…

It’s been 1 year since graduated; there were choices, efforts, decisions…

There were love, care, encouragement, laughter…

We are here as 1, keep this till the last breathe…

Life is like an ocean, if we look at the surface, we can only observe there are rough waves, but after the waves, we dive in, it’s a whole new world J

Friends, appreciate everyone around us when we are still alive. There is no rehearsal in life. Nothing can be undone once done.

Take good care :)
hallo hallo
good morning everybody
today i m on leave!! hehe
so goin to study CPA later at home

Melbourne trip is ON! for next year
hmm.....i am targeting June......
save RM500 each month.......should be affordable for the trip,hopefully

Steamboat......thoe suggest having it at his cheras house
mayb....end of may,one of the weekends
somebody buy meatballs
somebody buy vege
somebody buy jagung,we already know who can do this :P
somebody bring 'ka chang'
then after that,gambling games begin
since it is end of the month, even the money is gone, the new one will be coming soon

for our 2D/1N trip
we can suggest the place now...
some ppl suggested bukit tinggi,cameron highlands,ipoh,fraser hill.......
so u guys can start searching for more information and post it in our blog
c who give better intro for the place will win this vote

our diet activity...
actually we can do it everyday or every weekend if you have the PASSION
we can make it in any sunday
after that go for breakfast
then come back/anything will do

have fun in office, today is FRIDAY!! :)

ps: i got secret blog,therefore not convenient for me to sign in the blog with my personal acc...hehe

Nen Ching

Thursday, April 8, 2010

hmm...who is the wise person who posted such wise advice.............hmmmmmm
thanks for the advice...whoever u may be out there............................

My friends

Today seems to be a dull day for us, no replies, no long email, no mood............................

My friends ! no matter what challenges you are facing right now, be tough,be strong, I believe you will get through it very soon !

Quote of the day : You are the master of your own destiny !

Got comments eh..can put in new post ma

i didnt know got comments leh...can all post at new post?
btw nic, where did u post the comment inviting me for lunch eh? cannot see wun...........=D
heheh...u didnt pokai after meeting me rite? heheheh....
did u see my colleagues? quite hemsem wun wo..HAHAHa
nex week sat nite steamboat im ok =)

Diane said to reply in blog cuz the cbox not working

I met Diane Lew @ Pavilion just now. Just about to leave that time. Kekeke

I'm not sure whether can still make it for lunch tomorrow anot. Broker haven't get back to me yet on what time the meeting will be rescheduled to.

Anyways, next saturday on for steamboat arh?

The Melbourne plan is on the way. Will do it after work today. =)


Today damn sui...Went to makan at Pavilion foodcourt.. Then pokai. Not good omen..
Lucky didn't sprain the leg

It is a chat box =) quite a lot of work to do today..
nen c hope u are feeling better...
t hoe so quiet today?
c seng said he wont blog during work hours..HEHHEHE...
nic, lunch tomo?
SC dun be is ur dream job wei...

Chin yi

Is this a chatbox?

Diane Lew, I think you gave us the email address sometime back during our mass emails. lol

Walao. To guess guess the authors like that will cause havoc man... Kakaka...

Later we have acquisitions flying around.

Anyone is using Picasa photo uploader?
i cant remember my gmail account tham, in ur gtalk got appear ah?
ahhaa..but i guess is fun to guess guess the author..HEHEHEHHEH..


My first contribution

To those who already has gmail account: Please accept contribution as author so that the name appears at the bottom of your post ( like mine now). If not send your gmail address to me so that I can add u.

FYI. I didn't post anything yet. Kekeke....Glad everybody shift to here now...will we be "chatting" here instead of emailing?
Yeah..u all shud include the name wei


COPY CAT...ur not ME


Pls...include the name lei....hahaha

Ooo..Good start...
123 thoe?
456 nicole?
789 was it Joanne? make things more fun...whoever wana remain anonymous shud remain anonymous...whoever wants to be known den the name shud appear there la...


wat if i use chung seng's name? when in fact i am thoe? or nicole's name when i am diane?


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


The 456 must be Thoe's masterpiece :)
Organizer for gambling club is non other than Diane and Nen Ching. Melbourne trip goes to the Mr.Lam & Ms. Yap @k@ Mrs. Lam. Thoe and Ah Seng will be the master planner. The rest will be the coordinators and ideas providers.
Before we start blogging about our feelings, should be given to Nen as she made the first move to create a "place" for us to get connected with each other.
Let me share some moments of how to get to know you guys :)
I first noticed Diane's group in foundation. Then I got to know April as we used to take bus to college from Kelana Jaya Station. She asked me if I need any car pooling as Nic is staying in Cheras. If not mistaken, I was sitting at the concourse and got introduced to Nic. There is when our friendship got started. After that, I joined the leadership camp which I got to know Diane and friends. I remembered her asking me to join dont know what amazing race at Times Square
but I rejected. Part of the reason was I was quite shy..hahahaha. Then, Nen and Thoe came into my picture and the moments that strengthen our friendship was during the trip to Penang (if not mistaken). In the 2nd year, Mr.Lam transfered from Taylors and as the host, of course must look after him..hahaha..but I seldom see him in the college as he always gives the same reason *sleep late* everyone came into the picture..there is when the friendship of me with you all blossoms :)
I always believe trips do strengthen the friendship bond. We had all the luaghters during trips. The most memorable one was we kept singing while driving back from Penang..haha
So..lets have an annual trip regardless of venue, it could be a 2D1N trip, but I believe it is the best way to strengthen the bond.
*to be continueeeee....................



who wrote the 1st post?? nicole yap ar??haha

feelings?ya, alot

steamboat trip, gambling club, melbourne trip.....

can someone or some ppl volunteer to be the organiser for each of our activities?

or can somebody vote/suggest someone to be the monitor???

testing 123

hahahahahaha, i'm the first one here..nothing special flow in my mind right now so nothing to write.