Friendship that never endssssssss

From life partners

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Is Pacific Ocean now not Strait of Malacca

omg ah time can choose better photo?? :P
in fact, we not yet 3 years..ahaha..

haih,friday was a very bad day to describe
i failed my cpa, same to thien hoe
luckily yen sze didnt fail.....congratz yen...hehe
is a very disappointed feeling
when u think u did ur best & already planned where to celebrate
suddenly,another RM2400 is going to fly away from your pocket
u can imagine how pain is that feeling
i admit the 1st night i couldnt sleep well bcuz i hardly accept
the subject is connected to my career so well
i jz didnt understand y it can be happened
but i am optimistic
no explain & no complain
this is wat i always 'console' myself
since is fail,wat u need to do is do better next time
CPA isnt everything for u
u cant eat or sleep with it
no matter how many subjects u already taken
your highest education is still a degree unless u complete it
i used too little time to study this
this sem i m going to take 2 subjects ....... (from nc) who never fa-failed before? who never face issues before? who never in a difficult situation before? who never sad before? is like a ship and our life now is at a stage where a ship is going through a thunderstorm at pacific more small tiny selat melaka or south china sea..... so the most important thing now is 'jui kan you happy!'.......dont care bout all those 'ki ling sou'. cheers!
(FROM Thien Hoe)

Star of the month

Our Beloved Thoe
Our Beloved Nen Ching
During the trip back from Sitiawan, we were talking about how did we get to know each other
in the beginning and how did we end up as a gang of frens and couple for some of you. It all started with our very first Penang Trip. A humble gentleman named Thoe was invited to join this trip but...he was thinking...what if i was the only guy in the gang ? very embarrasing one wor..I truly understand his feeling ( boy sch student ) later he found out that Chung Seng also going...then ok lar..ON !!! Jadi driver saja sap sui.
Nen Ching, a thoughthful girl, was also invited for the trip. She was thinking..erm..I am stilll not that close with them..should I go ? Should I follow ? Despite all the questions in her mind, she decided to join the trip last minute...ON !!!
Throughout the entire trip, we kept teasing these two people, while everyone was having fun at the beach, Thoe and Nen were sitting together, chatting , laughing...and photos were snapped. A movie clip was recorded too!!!
As what everyone wishes, Thoe and Nen became couple after the trip and I guess they have been together for more than 3 years. It's not easy for a young couple to last that long. Especially with rumours like Nen is not Thoe's first and Nen has got so many bfs back in sitiawan like the Char Kueh Tiow's son and Indon Chinese...wakakakaka ...just joking.
Uncertainty lies ahead of us, but I wish you both all the best !!! I really enjoy seeing how you both communicate, just like a couple who undertands each other so well, being married for many years but with the feeling of "first love":)
All the best !!!!!!!
* more episodes are coming up, let me korek all the insider info of the couples in our gang.

Once Upon A Time

Date: Long Long Time Ago
Venue: Desa Water Park
Visitors: Joanne, Diane, Chin Yi, Chung Seng
Sit back and enjoy the photos :)

Having sandwich for lunch

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