Friendship that never endssssssss

From life partners

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Is Pacific Ocean now not Strait of Malacca

omg ah time can choose better photo?? :P
in fact, we not yet 3 years..ahaha..

haih,friday was a very bad day to describe
i failed my cpa, same to thien hoe
luckily yen sze didnt fail.....congratz yen...hehe
is a very disappointed feeling
when u think u did ur best & already planned where to celebrate
suddenly,another RM2400 is going to fly away from your pocket
u can imagine how pain is that feeling
i admit the 1st night i couldnt sleep well bcuz i hardly accept
the subject is connected to my career so well
i jz didnt understand y it can be happened
but i am optimistic
no explain & no complain
this is wat i always 'console' myself
since is fail,wat u need to do is do better next time
CPA isnt everything for u
u cant eat or sleep with it
no matter how many subjects u already taken
your highest education is still a degree unless u complete it
i used too little time to study this
this sem i m going to take 2 subjects ....... (from nc) who never fa-failed before? who never face issues before? who never in a difficult situation before? who never sad before? is like a ship and our life now is at a stage where a ship is going through a thunderstorm at pacific more small tiny selat melaka or south china sea..... so the most important thing now is 'jui kan you happy!'.......dont care bout all those 'ki ling sou'. cheers!
(FROM Thien Hoe)

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