Friendship that never endssssssss

From life partners

Thursday, May 26, 2011


why is so good about cats?
since so many of them dislike cats....esp Mr Tham & Wan
well, 1st thing will be
Cats are clean
they know how to bury their shits
they know how to clean their hairs
even they walk around inside ur house
ur house wont get smell & dirty

Cats are beautiful
they have big attractive eyes
& small little cute mouth
they are very elegant

Cats are adorable
when a cat really likes u, they will lick u
when they hungry, they will 'meow' at u
sometimes they swim btwn ur legs
they just wanna get some attention

so, love animals, love cats :P

Saturday, May 7, 2011


SMS, Short Message Service sounds very familiar to all of us, but does everyone know how to utilise it ?
Some people use it for the wrong purpose, like breaking up with someone through SMS. Some have no guts to face the reality, but fully "utilise" SMS to hurt others.
For me, SMS is actually a very powerful tool, it could be something very encourgaing, entertaining ............
Recently, I have received some very encouraging and funny SMS from 2 of my very close friends. Let me share with you.

On Wednesday morning, I received a sms as follows :
Friend A : Out of a sudden, I feel like telling you this after meeting up last week . You look happier much more than the one I met you in Old Town Kuchai Lama ( previous meeting ).I am happy for you! And I hope this career brings you joy and success! Best of luck for you! :)
What would you feel if you receive the above sms in the early morning ? It certainly brightens up my day man..cant believe it :) That's why I said SMS is indeed a very powerful tool.

Much earlier, I had another sms from my best friend in Aus who are sitting for his medical final exam soon.
Friend B: Bro, do you want to make a card for my exam soon?
Me: Huh? What card?
Friend B: Good luck card la
Me: Ok, give me your add. I dunno if it will sempat to arrive before you final exam or not.
No more replies from then. I made an e-card after that and send to him after receiving the sms.
In the next morning,
Friend B: Bro, thanks for your card, I was actually under the influence of alcohol last night, thus the weird msg. Appreciate that.
From the above, SMS helps to express your feelings without any borders. That's the greatest part of it.

Peeps, utilise SMS to the fullest, it could brighten you up as well as make you down . It's your choice :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Another Great Day!

All the people that enjoys the product of South Australia, Red wine..

Perfect combination: An empty wine bottle with roses on a square black table.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Labour Day

Happy Labour Day peeps!!!
It's a day to appreciate the efforts that we have put in to the development for our own nation as well as to the whole world!!!
I wish there is one day which I wont have the same feeling for Labour day as what I am having now.
ps: dont just be a labour, be somebody in your very own path :)