Friendship that never endssssssss

From life partners

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I am proud of you !

Hi frens ! I am back !
I am so proud of my friends !
I would love to join you guys for the Cambodia trip, but it really seems that the timing is not right :( I am so proud of you guys that you are going to visit the Children Hospital in Siem Reap. Am not sure if you guys will be doing some voluntary work there for one day or just merely pay a visit. But the intention is there ! You guys are such a batch of super kind-hearted friends.
My spirit is always with you guys, bring it along ok ! I would love to give some donations toooo whether in kind or monetary..please remind me before you guys depart for a great fun trip!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

from my personal opinion, Ho Chak is sucks!

well dunno u guys know this show from 8TV
the show is hosted by a girl & a guy ( i cant remember the names but they always there)
everytime i watch it, it s just disappoint me like hell
maybe i watched too much of Jamie, Gordon, Taiwanese & China cooking/food shows
it somehow standardize my taste
until this Ho Chak coming in
these 2 hosts, like never do preparation for their show
the cook intro today dish is pepper crabs
& the guy host asked again, "is it cook with salt?" wth......can he listen properly of what the cook just said? it happens all the time!
& at the last part of the show, they will teach us how to cook
it is so obvious that they are 'trained'
they skills are trained, not natural at all, have you all seen how Gordon grab the ingredients & throw it to cooking pan? that is called, I cook the food! not the food cook me!
& after that when they are done
they will eat it 1st, jz like a kid stealing the food from the kitchen.
their description on the food & taste are rubbish!
ya, you can explain that to a 5 yr old kids, jz sour sweet bitter or spicy
pls la, the show "survive" so long edi, ur speech should be grown up also
the words you use to describe are too naive.......
pls....improve it!