Read a journal by a backpacker who chose to became a "cheap labour" after his tertiary education in foreign country. In Poland, he found that the Poles are conservative in everything they do. They try not to go over the boundary which has been set. Later on, a student from China told him " hey, Poland has the same fate as what China had in the past, both of us have got involved in the great war". At this moment, being a naive backpacker, immediately, he felt so shameful of himself , not knowing any history of Poland. Due to the massive war in the past, it shaped the Poles to be more conservative to avoid any fatal disaster in the future. There is a cause for every consequence.
We are also being shaped into whom we are now by the surroundings.
A student was asked to write an essay titled " Motherly love". All the students are writing how good their moms are, however, this little student wrote how caring a worm towards its baby worm. Her essay got rejected and was asked to rewrite. She did not know why her essay got rejected. Why cant "motherly love" be described in the animal world instead of human beings ? Nowadays, the children are only taught to score high grades, with no creativity at all, is that all we want ? students are becoming more and more conservative after few rejections. To avoid rejection, they just follow the standard blindly to do whatever they are supposed to do.
Many of us have gone through the same process as the above, we dare not to fail, we are afriad of rejections, with that, we just do whatever that is within our ability and boundary without having thought of crossing the boundary. This is the situation which most adults are facing right now.
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