Today, as I was driving along Jalan Duta, I saw a farang ( westerner called by Thai ) standing at the roadside with a huge backpack, asking for a free ride. I was thinking...the picture of me doing that in the future is appearing in front of me..great!
Back to focus on the road, and kept thinking and wondering when shall I embark on my next journey alone again. I am sure time will tell..but when??? I doubt I could make this in the few years to come.However, give myself a target that I would do that again before 30!!! Friends!! do encourage me to do this again and again and again :) Gonna embark a journey with no FLIGHT!and travel the less traveled like central Asia which sounds strange to us. Countris like Kazakhtan, Uzbekistan look so tempting to me.
For me, travelling alone is the best time to discover your inner self. It's like, standing at the cross junction, looking left and right, and you are just uncertain of your next destination. And there is the best time to make a smart move which could save you as much money as possible. One of the biggest task for travelling alone is money management. If you dont manage your budget well, it spoils the entire journey. Deep in my heart, I really respect those who travel without much budget. It's life, you have got to mange and control everything to make yourself situated in the best condition. I once met 2 travellers back in Siem Reap, they asked for free ride as they have been walking since 4am in the morning, with no hesitation, I welcomed them to my tuk tuk. And had a chat with them, one from Spain, and the other from Australia. To my amaze, they rather suffer walking the whole morning, just to enjoy every bits of life, following the slow pace of Siem Reap. Exploring the world with foot is a fantastic experience!
As the chinese syaing goes, 走万里路胜过读万卷书。This explains the more we explore the world, the wiser we are. I once heard a real life story, a mom wana bring her kids for a long vacation during school days. However, the kids are not allowed to take so many days of leave. and here the parents explain to the school authority " Hey, I am just bringing my kids to explore something new and different from what he could get from the book. How could you limit the kids to the knowledge of the book". It may not be the best way to go for vacation during the school days, however, it has its points. I may do that too if I were able to.
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